Privacy Policy

In compliance with the duty of information contained in Article 10 dela Law 34/2002 of July 11, Services Information Society and Electronic Commerce, then reflect the following data:

The company owner of this website is domiciled in
with C.I.F. X0296720C.

1. Contact mailbox:

2. As the owner responsible for the automated files derived from said website, YVON MANGUETTE wishes to inform visitors and users of its web page of its policy for the protection and treatment of personal data, which will be applicable in the event that users decide to fill out any form on where personal data is collected, without prejudice to what is indicated in the Privacy Clause applicable to each specific form. In any case, YVON MANGUETTE guarantees at all times full and complete compliance with the obligations set forth in Organic Law 15/1999, of December 13, 1999, on the Protection of Personal Data, as well as those set forth in Royal Decree 994/1999, which approves the Regulation of Security Measures as well as the rest of the development regulations.

3. The personal data provided by the users or visitors of the website will be included in an automated file under the responsibility of YVON MANGUETTE with the purpose of facilitating access to the contents offered through the web page; to provide, manage, administer, expand and improve the services and/or contents offered in the page; to adapt said services to the preferences and tastes of the users; to study the use of the services by the users and visitors; to manage incidences and maintenance of the web page; as well as for advertising purposes; to adapt said services to the preferences and tastes of the users; the study of the use of the services by the users and visitors; the management of incidents and maintenance of the web page; as well as for advertising and commercial prospecting purposes with respect to the products and services of YVON MANGUETTE. They may be transferred to third party companies in order to provide services or information requested therefore expressly accepts the possible transfer of data to third parties.

4. YVON MANGUETTE will inform the users and visitors of the page of the obligation or not to provide each and every one of the personal data requested in the forms of access and registration to the services and/or contents offered in the web page. Notice will be given at the time of collection through visual warnings such as floating windows, placement of asterisks or symbols next to the requested data, or similar means to those mentioned above. In any case, the refusal to provide the requested personal data, the provision of inaccurate data or incomplete data, could result in the inadequate, inefficient, defective or non-provision of services and/or content offered to users and visitors.